Spirit 5200
Spirit 5200
Máquina ideal para un arranque de patatas simple y eficaz
La Spirit 5200 quiere ser una cosechadora simple y eficaz, destinada al agricultor preocupado de sus costes. El hilo de transmisión ha sido resueltamente concebido para una utilización fácil y las bandas de tamizado y de erizo son accionadas mecánicamente.

Road legal: The Spirit 5200 lives up to all legal requirements for driving on public roads, since it is CE approved.

Arranque respetuoso de las patatas
Con la Spirit 5200, AVR vuelve a los inicios de una buena cosechadora de patatas: una máquina potente, que arranca las patatas respetando el producto. Esta máquina es de empleo sencillo y extremadamente robusta, de suerte que los gastos de mantenimiento permanecen limitados y que el usuario pueda continuar arrancando patatas en todas las circunstancias.
El control vía el joystick es simple e intuitivo.
Débil presión sobre el suelo: ideal para las condiciones de arranque difíciles
El conductor sigue fácilmente el proceso de arranque, ya que la máquina es desplazada. Gracias al arranque desplazado, el tractor no debe montar neumáticos estrechos. Él puede conservar sus neumáticos anchos. Una ventaja considerable en condiciones de arranque difíciles y una solución que protege el suelo. ¡Ello evita igualmente la formación de terrones causada por las ruedas del tractor durante el arranque!

Spirit 5200
Spirit 5200 | |
Surcos | 2 |
Distancia entre surcos (cm) | 75 o 90 |
Dimensiones (l x w x h en m) | 10.41 x 3.30 x 3.80 |
Peso (kg) | 8.500 |
Capacidad de la tolva (tm) | 6 |
Altura de descarga (m) | 4 |
Potencia requerida (cv) | 66 kW /90 cv |
Accionamiento | Mecánico |
Desplazada / en línea | Desplazada |
Presión de aceite (a 180 bar) (l/min) | 45 rpm max |
- Efficient haulm separation.
- Wide pintlebelts ensure soft cleaning.
- Solid, open structure, easy maintenance => low service costs.
- Lightweight + large wheels and wide tires are less harsh on the soil.
- The large wheels and sound design make the machine very stable.
- Light, easy to pull machine: less power required, so less consumption.
- Plastic diabolos run precisely along the row and determine the harvesting depth. The plastic material reduces soil sticking on the diabolo and is stone-resistant. Large haulm intake rollers and cutting discs prevent haulm blockages. The harvesting depth can easily be adjusted using a central crank spindle.
- The digging web is 1,650 mm wide and comes standard with two star vibrators. The web is driven by highly durable and potatofriendly PUR drivewheels.
- The product flow falls from a minimal height onto the second sieving web.
- A haulm web is mounted above the second sieving web. This web makes sure the haulm is efficiently and carefully separated from the potatoes. This system is also ideally suited for harvesting while the haulm is still green. Retaining pallets guarantee the potatoes cannot fall behind the harvester.
- The product flow then reaches the in-line vertical pintlebelt where soil, small clods of earth and haulm are removed.
- The product then rolls back to a transversal transport web, which guides everything to the transversal pintlebelt. Deflecting rollers send the potatoes to the picking table.
- The potato flow reaches the picking-off table, where there is room for four people to execute a final visual inspection. AVR made sure the work space is large enough to be able to work ergonomically.
- The top of the picking-off table lowers into the bunker. For a minimal drop height.

- PTO 6 splines , 540 rpm
- Drawbar, height adjustable towing eye (50mm), hydraulic side shifting (offset harvester)
- Hydraulic steering axle. Tire size : left and right 650/65 R30.5
- Lights and signs for road transport, incl beacon light
- Brakes: hydraulic - pneumatic mono or dual wire
- Hydraulic steering wheels (+/- 24°) with automatic centering
- Bunkeroptimizer
Digging unit:
- Oscillating digging unit with pulled diabolos and pulled spring loaded discs (dia. 660mm)
- Accumulator on digging unit with manometer
- Wide shares with disc distance 580mm between discs
- Big haulm intake rollers (400mm)
- Central depth control via rotary spindle
Sieving web / Haulm web:
- 2 speeds on mechanical drive
- Diggerweb (1.65 m width), DN, pitch 40, double joiners; pitch dependent PUR drivewheels
- Mechanically adjustable star shakers in diggerweb (2 PC)
- Sieving web (in haulmweb) pitch 40, DN, joiner, universal drive
- Haulmweb, width 1650mm, overlap, pitch 210mm
- Haulmweb mechanic drive, 2 speeds vs sieving web
- 4 Rows retainers on haulmweb, adjustable in height form picking platform
Hydraulic system:
- High pressure filter and manometer
- Electro-hydraulic valveblock Bosch-Rexroth LC
- Hydraulic steering wheels (+/-25°)
- Hydraulic landlevelling
- Hydraulic jack
Picking off table:
- Picking off table, 900 mm wide, hydraulically driven (tractor hydraulics)
- 2 LED worklights : on picking off table and crosspintlebelt
- Picking platform for 4 people
- Keypad on picking off table : emergency stop, horn, working lights on/off, picking off table on/off, pintlebelt angle adjustment
Pintle belt unit:
Longitudinal pintlebelt (width 1500mm)
- Mechanically driven longitudinal pintle belt with roller (pitch 50), U-profile, Haulmfingers
- Angle hydraulically adjustable (35-55°)
Transport belt
- Mechanically driven sieving web, pitch N40, star-PVC covered (20mm); width 800mm
Cross pintlebelt
- Mechanically driven cross pintle belt, V-profile, pitch 40, 800mm width
- Double deflecting rollers towards picking off table
- Cleaning flaps in drive shaft diggerweb
- Mechanic fallbreaker for filling boxes
- Hydraulic fallbreaker for filling boxes
- Onion loading set with extra frame, 900 mm wide intake
- Onion loading set with extra frame, 1200 mm wide intake